Please fill out the below registration of interest form for the Kilkenny Science Festival. As event numbers are limited, we can only offer places to a select number of class groups.

We will not share your information with others and will manage it in keeping with SETU’s GDPR policy available here.

Note: Bookings for the below events will be closing at 3.00 pm the day before the scheduled showtime.

Kilkenny Secondary School 2022- Booking Application
Have you participated in a Science Week Festival event for schools before?
Have you participated in an event led by Calmast STEM Engagement Centre before?
Is your school a Deis school?
School Location
Is your school a gaelscoil?
School Gender
Is your school a special school?
What class(es) are you booking in? (please tick all that apply)
I consent to a short follow up survey (Please assist us with this! Your feedback is vital to evaluate the event)
I consent to my class participating in the Kilkenny Science Festival and I am aware photographers and videographers may be present
Please keep my contact details to inform me of future STEM events
Please remove my information after the festival