Please fill out the below registration of interest form for the Kilkenny Science Festival. As event numbers are limited, we can only offer places to a select number of people.

We will not share your information with others and will manage it in keeping with WIT’s GDPR policy available here.

Kilkenny Family & Adult - Booking Application 2022
Have you participated in a Science Week Festival event in any previous year?
Have you attended any other science activities or events in the past 12 months?
Have you participated in an event led by Calmast STEM Engagement Centre before?
Are you..?
Thinking about your education, what is the highest level at which you’ve personally learned about science in (please tick one)
Do you work in a job that uses science, technology, engineering or maths?
Audience feedback is crucial for us to evaluate the Festival, please assist us by allowing consent so we can send you a link to a short survey afterwards.