The role of Artificial Intelligence in the future precision agriculture
Audience Transition year and Senior Cycle Students AI is a [...]
Audience Transition year and Senior Cycle Students AI is a [...]
Audience Adults Working with Network Ireland, ( the professional association [...]
Audience Adults The Bitter Truth: Craft Beer, Gin, aperol, coffee? [...]
Audience: Adults Dr.Niamh Shaw participated in a simulated Mars mission [...]
Audience: Transition Year Since 2018 Geraldine and Taz of The [...]
Audience: General Society of Irish Plant Pathologists virtual meeting on aspects [...]
Audience: 5th - 6th Class Roll up, roll up. It's [...]
Audience: General Audience Since 2018 Geraldine and Taz of The [...]
Audience: Teenagers, TY Students, Senior Cycle Students Waterford Institute of [...]
Audience: 1st Year Secondary School Students We will be LIVE [...]
Audience: Sixth Class Join international edutainer Steve Sherman, Chief Imagination [...]
Audience: Families This is a chance for family members to [...]