Supermarket Science with Scientific Sue

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3rd – 6th Class

Scientific Sue has gone shopping – Join her in her ‘Wacky Lab’ and find out how she combines goodies from each of the shopping zones to explore forces, energy, energy -changes, properties of materials and much, much more.

Be amazed by the flying toilet roll, bemused by the colour changes and wowed by Norbert, Sue’s very own fire breathing Dragon!

In this show Scientific Sue explores how food can be a very explosive source of energy! She will use a wide variety of chemicals from the food, kitchen and bathroom aisles to creatively explore acid, base and neutralisation experiments, explore the properties materials including polymers and gases such as oxygen, carbon dioxide, helium and hydrogen.

Once the biological and chemical experiments have been showcased physics and engineering then steps in! Sketches exploring flight, centre of mass and the creation of sound are then passionately revealed.

This workshop will be delivered in the form of a pre-recorded video. Classes who register will be sent a shopping list of basic items that are required for the workshop.

To register, please use booking form on homepage.

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