Sustainability: Our Future, Your Story. Transition Year Sustained Engagement Programme – Online

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(Audience: Secondary Transition Year)

Online Event

The STEMreach, sustained engagement programme for Transition Years was created by Calmast STEM Engagement Centre at SETU to connect and integrate communities, academia and industry. Sustainability: Our Future, Your Story was first developed and trialled in April/May 2021, with over 420 Transition Year students from ten schools across the South East region. The 6 week online module explores sustainability and biodiversity using the medium of digital storytelling. The programme aims to create environmental awareness and will empower students to think creatively and critically about the world around them. Throughout the module students will work together to create a fun and engaging lesson for primary pupils showcasing what they have learnt during the programme. In addition, students will develop a short TikTok style video to communicate a message about sustainability to their wider community.

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